Well, for our lesson, I decided we should start with a blank page, so there are no menus on this page. You can always hit BACK to go back.

The first step to making your web page is to open up Notepad for Microsoft, or some other simple text editor.

Next, you need to save your file as mypage.html   on your desktop.      NOTE: BE SURE TO SAVE IT AS HTML, NOT TXT! Then, you can begin typing code.

All web pages (or most basic ones) start and end with <html>. So, in your mypage.html, type the following things:






Those pieces of code set up your web page.

Next, type in some text between <body> and </body>.




Hi! This is my webpage!



Save it again, make sure it ends in .html, and double-click it on your desktop. You should see a blank page that says: Hi! This is my webpage!

Good Job! You have made your first web page! It isn't very exciting, so now we will work on that.

Formatting Tags:

<br> - goes to the next line

<b> text </b> - makes the text bold

<u> text </u> - underlines the text

<center> text </center> - centers the text on the page

Try changing your mypage.html to this:



<center> <b> Hi! </b> </center>

<br> <br>

<u> This is my webpage! </u>



Now save it, and double click the mypage.html on your desktop!

It is a little more interesting now, but you might want to add some color!

Other Tags:

<font color=green> text </font> - makes the text green

<font color=gray> text> </font> - makes the text gray

<body bgcolor=red> - makes the page red

<body bgcolor=blue> - makes the page blue

Note: most basic colors (i.e. green, red, blue, black, yellow, gray, orange) can be used with <body bgcolor=> and <font color=>


So now, change mypage.html to:


<body bgcolor=blue>

<center> <b> <font color=red> Hi! </font> </b> </center>

<br> <br>

<u> This is my webpage! </u>


<font color=white>It is cool! </font>



Now save it, and double click the mypage.html on your desktop!

Good job! That is all for now, check back later and keep having fun!