

Okay, so I occasionally write poems. This year, I decided to take a creative writing class, so I'll be posting some of the poems that I have written for that, as well as some random other things I've written.
  • Don Quixote - I wrote this one in iambic tetrameter, which was fun. It was supposed to be a "bending reality" poem.

  • AN EXERCISE IN HEAVY-HANDED PARODY AND MISANTHROPY (THE AMERICAN DREAM.) - I had a LOT of fun writing this poem. We were supposed to base it off of an article about some violent crime or tragedy. The article that I picked was this one.

  • Found Poem #1 - for this poem, we picked random words and phrases from certain pages of a book, and turned them into a poem. The book that I picked was Fahrenheit 451, which was a really good source of interesting words.

  • Untitled Poem - I wrote this one for fun last year, and was pretty happy with how it turned out.

So, yeah. I'll add other random stuff as I write it. If you can't tell, a LOT of what I write is highly influenced by T. S. Eliot, who is probably the most awesome poet ever. I HIGHLY recommend checking out his two poems The Waste Land and The Hollow Men (my favorite).